Senin, 17 Juni 2013

  • Lambang Perisai :
Menggambarkan Perlindungan Pemerintah daerah terhadap Penduduk dan semua kekayaan alam di wilayah Kabupaten Sukabumi.
  • Warna Hitam :
berarti kekal dan abadi
  • Warna kuning :
Keadaan yang gilang gemilang
  • Gambar takikan karet dan daun teh melambangkan :
Potensi komoditas perkebunan

  • Gambar kujang melambangkan :
Pusaka Pajajaran yang dahulu kala berkuasa di bumi Jawa Barat, termasuk Kabupaten Sukabumi
  • Motto Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi mengandung arti :
subur makmur wibawa mukti.

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1 komentar:

  1. Do you realize there is a 12 word sentence you can speak to your man... that will trigger deep emotions of love and impulsive attraction for you deep within his chest?

    That's because deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's instinct to love, look after and care for you with his entire heart...

    12 Words Who Fuel A Man's Love Impulse

    This instinct is so hardwired into a man's mind that it will make him try better than ever before to do his best at looking after your relationship.

    Matter-of-fact, fueling this dominant instinct is so mandatory to getting the best possible relationship with your man that once you send your man one of the "Secret Signals"...

    ...You'll instantly notice him open his heart and mind for you in such a way he haven't expressed before and he will perceive you as the only woman in the universe who has ever truly appealed to him.
